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Victims Information Service:

0808 168 9293


This is an information service run by Victim Support, it directs people towards to the most appropriate support available in your area.Please don't hesitate to use this service if you are a victim of any crime.


Suicide Help line

116 123 (UK)

116 123 (ROI)


This contact is a suicide hotline, however you don't have to be suicidal to call. This number is for reassurance and support for anyone, the appeal of this number is that this is a 24 hour service, 365 days a year, and its free to call

Paladin - National Stalking Advocacy Service:
020 3866 4107
This service will help anyone in need of advice or support. If you have been harassed or stalked then please contact this organisation for help and advice.

Non-emergency police



This is a useful number to remember for any event as it is the non emergency police number. You can use this number to report a crime, or if you feel like you're in danger. 

At Safe Model our goal is to keep all creatives feeling safe.
In the instance where this is not the case, we understand it can be hard to find help, or even find the right person to talk to. Below are some contacts you may find useful in a situation where you are a victim or are worried about someone else, although you can contact them for almost any reason.
We have also included a link to a modelling advice document you may want to use at the bottom of the page.

CALM helpline

0800 58 58 58


This is a help line to get advice if you are concerned about someone else, or yourself, they also have an online chat until 5 pm if you need to contact them that way.



Suzy Lamplugh Trust

020 7091 0014


What they do is too vast to put here.  But simply, they work in partnership with other charities, private and statutory organisations in order to raising awareness and influence policy makers and create systemic change.  Check out their website for more information on how they can help you.


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